We will look at ways of eradicating barriers to engagement and understand some women from BAME communities are isolated, lack confidence and deficiency in communication due to language and cultural barriers off integration into UK society,

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Women need support, some more than the others. They need someone who can relate to what they feel. to listen and guide them to get their life back on track. 


Self -awareness educational programmes and workshops

EmpowerHER to provide self -awareness educational programmes and workshops for all women and young people .

Legal Support, Volunteering, Developing Skills

EmpowerHer is here to advocate and signpost all to services that can assist with legal support, volunteering, developing new skills .


Educative Programmes

Our aim is to deliver educative programmes for schools and colleges drawing up on sex, healthy and unhealthy relationships promoting well - being, and awareness. Specifically consider inadequacy of knowledge around sex in relationships for communities, and consider the cultural barriers based on beliefs and values

Read About Our Freedom Programme

The Freedom Programme is an intervention designed to empower women to make positive choices about their lives, by providing information and support. It helps to assess and addresses the effects of domestic violence (DV) on children long term, in education, learning, future relationships and development. Service users are encouraged to recognise abusive and domineering behaviour from their current or previous partners and to recognise the potential impact of abuse on themselves and their children.

Youth Mentor Service and Parent Programmes.

We will provide a youth mentor service and parent programmes to help families work together and address issues with the young person, Sometimes ,the relationship with family members are complexed with each other and this comes under strain when there is an issue of relationships outside the norm of their community beliefs and values, there is added pressure of the wider family context and family pressures of honour.

Practical  and Emotional Support for Young Girls

EmpowerHER will work with professional agencies and specialists to support families and young people when facing challenges in home life . There will be youth mentors who will  provide practical  and emotional support .

Drop-in Service

We will provide workshops and advocacy in different languages for the benefit of women who come from different communities.

We will offer advice and support for women by offering confidential, emotional and practical support .

Awareness of services in their local borough and community.

We will deliver practical workshops for women to engage and develop awareness of services in their local borough and community  that can address their emotional health and well-being .Women and young girls will be given advice and guidance on education, volunteering and getting back into work,

EmpowerHer a group of passionate women who want to make a difference!