Gender Role and expectations

I believe that individuals, communities, and societies have set ideas about gender and thus expect men and women to conduct themselves in a certain way.


Society dictates what men and women should or should not do. I also noticed that this is the same across all cultures and races. Gender role expectations dictates how we should behave, wear, and how to present ourselves. I have met several women from all walks of life, experiences, and emotions. Seeing the lives of these women, I want to support women who arrive helpless, confused, and unaware of how to get their lives back together again.

Gender role and expectations are first shaped and developed during early childhood when we dictate to our children how they should behave based upon there biological sex . Parents , siblings and teacher are there role models which influence their gender identity as well as the toys they play with and the cartoons they watch and stories they hear shape and influence there self identity which remains throughout their lives .